Lean initiatives have expanded as organizations have become more proactive to changes necessary to allow them to survive and prosper in an ever-accelerating competitive environment. LMAI organised yet another conference on the 27th August 2010 on Lean Management and its impact on manufacturing costs at Mumbai for the benefits of its members. Coinciding with their AGM that was simultaneously held that day, the conference on Lean Management was a real success, what with more than 90 members and their associates attending the same.
Conducted by Dr. Mohan of MSME, the conference was targeted at label printers to initiating and sustaining lean implementations, gain an understanding of new tools and methodologies, and develop skills that a label printer can use in his organization to dramatically improve productivity, reduce costs, enhance customer satisfaction, and obtain superior quality all through elimination of waste.
Dr. Mohan also called on Sandip Zaveri, Treasurer of LMAI to explain how Lean Management initiatives implemented in his organization has helped his outfit - Preeti Arts that has experienced not only increase in productivity but also great returns due to the implementation of Lean Manufacturing.
After the conference it was time for the industry to recognize the talents and the awards received by its members on the global level. All the award winners as well as the sponsors for the evening were felicitated before breaking off for networking drinks and dinner.