Three vibrant, exciting shrink label designs were converted and printed by Printpack’s
Next Foods created tantalizing, mouth watering fruit labels for Blueberry Acai, Mango and Pomegranate Blackberry flavors. The full coverage, 360-degree image area of shrink sleeves, coupled with eight color flexo printing using Printpack’s Colorpack technology greatly enhanced the graphics on the labels. Printpack’s Pure Affinia PETG was the film of choice allowing the film to hug the contours of the curvy shape of the bottle producing a label that really stands out on the shelf.
Colorpack is a prepress separation method developed to provide enhanced graphic detail and vibrant color in flexible packaging. Color ink targets have been refined for both flexo and gravure applications that maximize the achievable color gamut. The system is further complimented by an accurate proof to production run correlation that effectively manages color expectations. Shrink and roll fed labels, tamper evident bands and heat shrinkable sleeves for multipacks are printed by Printpack in up to ten colors using flexographic and rotogravure printing on a variety of shrink films and laminations.
Printpack is a privately-held manufacturer of flexible and rigid packaging headquartered in