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Eminence Business Media

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Zodiac Reprographics Invests In Mark Andy P3 Performance Series Press

Firmly entrenched in the Liquor labels and FMCG segment, Zodiac Reprographics at Hyderabad has taken positive steps to improve its operations with significant investments in high performance printing solutions. It has selected the latest in-line narrow web flexo printing technology, the P3 Mark Andy Performance Series, to enhance the ability of its operations. 

The new Performance Series press line investment at Zodiac Reprographics establishes a new benchmark for performance in the narrow web industry with its extremely low waste, very rapid changeovers, unmatched print quality and stability on a wide range of materials and exceptional operator ease of use. The Performance Series P3 features the same unique printing platform as the other models in the Performance Series lineup, delivering the fastest set-ups and changeovers and shorter web paths. This cost-efficient model provides immediate registration settings, instinctive operator functionality and the exclusive Load & Lock inking system. The P3 is driven by a precision engineered direct drive train and is designed specifically for conventional label production.

"We primarily purchased the Performance Series machine because of its innovative print platform. We anticipate that our customers will benefit from the P3 machine's consistently high print quality," said Ajaydeep Singh who has been heading the production for ZRPL for last decade and half. "The demand levels at our customers end are steadily increasing and with the addition of the P3 Performance series press, we are sure to continue to meet our customers' expectations and perhaps give them more than they can ask for. The press is also highly efficient and minimal additional operator training is required due to its simple design," he added.

Jaideep Singh who has served in various positions in the corporate world in sales and marketing for more than a decade and is now heading sales and finance for the company says, "We converted into Zodiac Reprographics Pvt. Ltd. from our parent company Zodiac Printers in Jan 2010. One of the major reasons for conversion was diversification as diversifying is not only an excellent growth strategy, but it also allows you to fill seasonal voids and, of course, increases sales and profit margins. with the investment in this new P3 press, Zodiac is all poised for growth - not only growing in full speed in the liquor industry but also catering to a whole lot of FMCG clients which were developed over the years."

After the conversion from the parent company, the first task both Ajaydeep and Jaideep undertook was to streamline their production and add on equipments to solidify their position. Says Ajaydeep, "We not only wanted the best in production but wanted an impressive machine set-up and changeover times. With the P3, the operator was able to complete all changeover tasks while maintaining high quality standards and we are now able to focus on the needs of our top-end clients and are able to deliver the right solution through the Performance Series design."

"Zodiac Reprographics is a company that drives to deliver the best solutions for their customers every day, and we are delighted that Mark Andy was able to develop a performance-driven machine that meets our customers' needs. Also with Sales and Service support from Flexo Image Graphics who have worked closely with us to create the configurations that support our operational goals, we are sure this networking will drive our performance for several years to come," signed off Jaideep.

"In the Indian label converting industry, converters are always searching for ways to improve their productivity, reduce waste and streamline their workflow. Same was the case with Zodiac. We introduced them to the Performance series and after thoroughly studying the machine, they felt the addition of P3 Performance Series machinery to their facility will help them in realizing these goals which is also the first P3 in India." states Gourav Roy, Managing Director, Flexo Image Graphics the Indian arm of Mark Andy Inc.