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Eminence Business Media

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Entries Invited for Third Heidelberg ECO Printing Award

At drupa 2012, Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG (Heidelberg) is launching the third Heidelberg ECO Printing Award, the only international environmental award for sustainable printing in the sheetfed offset sector. This environmental award focuses on the sustainable use of resources and energy, climate protection, and environmentally aware management practices. These aspects of sustainability can relate to a company as a whole, or to exceptional stand-alone solutions in prepress, press, postpress, logistics, and corporate culture. Winners should set a benchmark for the entire industry and encourage others to adopt sustainable business practices and solutions. 

As in previous years, the Heidelberg ECO Printing Award is open to any print shop that operates at least one sheetfed offset press. The number of presses is unimportant, as is the volume of production, the vertical range of manufacture, and the size of the business. Entries will be accepted from print shops from anywhere in the world that use any kind of substrate - paper, card, or foil. An independent, international panel of judges including representatives of the printing industry, environmental scientists, and members of environmental associations will examine the entries and select the winners in the two categories. 

Companies wishing to compete for the award must submit a written application. Further details are available online under "HEI ECO" at www.heidelberg.com/eco-award. Entries can be submitted from May 8 to November 30, 2012. The Heidelberg ECO Printing Award will be presented in June 2013.

"Environmental protection, like sustainability, is a global issue that has become a megatrend in the print media industry, too," says Stephan Plenz, member of the Management Board responsible for Heidelberg Equipment. "The Heidelberg ECO Printing Award is designed to motivate print shops worldwide to redouble their commitment to environmental protection and to offer them an international platform for sharing ideas and learning from each other."

Heidelberg is fully committed to sustainable printing 
At drupa 2012, Heidelberg is showcasing its new solutions for eco-friendly printing as a response to the HEI ECO market trend and is systematically expanding its range. For example, virtually every sheetfed offset printing press at the trade show booth in Hall 1 is equipped with an energy meter that measures energy consumption in line with the standardized guidelines published in VDMA standard sheet No. 8873. It measures the energy requirements per 1,000 sheets, thus making it easier for customers to save electricity. Just as fuel consumption per 100 km is measured on a car speedometer, printers can now check energy efficiency at a glance on the wallscreen of the Prinect Press Center or on a separate PC. Printers can use these measurements to analyze energy consumption quickly and easily and take appropriate steps to cut electricity usage. 

Other innovations that help cut the power consumption of printing presses include the energy-saving DryStar LE UV dryer and the heat recovery system of the DryStar Combination dryers. 

First manufacturer to supply carbon-neutral press series ex works 
Heidelberg has been supplying all its Speedmaster Anicolor presses on a carbon-neutral basis as standard since April 2012. Like the award, this commitment is unique in the industry. All other machines are available with carbon offsetting on request and then bear the "CO2-neutral" label. For this purpose, the carbon footprint of manufacturing the presses is calculated precisely. The calculations take into account all relevant parameters - from the extraction of raw materials and the production of materials to the manufacture and testing of the press and its transportation to the print shop. Heidelberg has chosen to use the certificates to support natureOffice's environmentally and socio-politically valuable reforestation project in Togo.

Heidelberg is committed to environmental management 
The entire drupa presentation is staged on a carbon-neutral and sustainable basis. Attention was focused on environmentally friendly processes, recyclable materials, and reusable modules as early as the planning and tendering phase and this was reflected in aspects such as the tendering documentation. The CO2 emissions for all processes and materials related to the trade show and the trade show stand are being offset. These range from project management, logistics operations - including assembly and dismantling - and the operation of machinery at the show, to travel to and from the event, and accommodation for booth personnel. Additional parameters involved in the CO2 calculations for the booth include the production of the entire machine park, consumables such as paper and inks, and the power supplies for the technology used at the show.