EBM 2025

Eminence Business Media

Saturday, July 7, 2012

A ‘must attend’ annual event - The AWA Label Release Liner Seminar

The AWA Label Release Liner Seminar has become the ‘must attend’ annual event for all associated with the pressure-sensitive label and release liner market as supplier, producer, or user.   Conveniently held each year just prior to the Labelexpo shows in Chicago and Brussels, it takes place this year in Chicago, at the Hyatt Rosemont Hotel on September 10.  

Leading the seminar is AWA Alexander Watson Associates’ President and CEO, Corey M Reardon, who says that the event will ‘pull together experts in their respective disciplines and address the key issues and opportunities for release liners used in pressure-sensitive labeling across the value chain.’   It also represents a valuable opportunity for industry networking.

Organized by AWA Conferences & Events, the seminar is sponsored by a number of leading companies within the industry, including Platinum Sponsor UPM and Gold Sponsors Billerud, Boise, Dow Corning, Dow, and Mitsubishi Polyester Film.   Online registration is now open via www.awa-bv.com, where details of the program and other upcoming AWA events are also published.