EBM 2025

Eminence Business Media

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Codimag demos unique press technologies at Labelexpo Americas

Trade shows, especially Labelexpo Americas, are venues where visitors come to learn about new equipment and technologies, with an eye towards bringing back solutions that can improve their companies’ bottom lines. With this in mind, visiting Codimag’s booth #5803 is a must.

Codimag incorporates a combination of press technologies that delivers short-run printing that is more profitable than digital and faster than flexo. Unique features include intermittent-feed presses that allow format changes to be done without changing any cylinders, and Codimag’s Aniflo technology, an anilox-based waterless offset inking system.

Intermittent feed presses and servo control of web motion enable short makereadies, low waste, and high productivity. The only job-specific component to change is the plate, which can be mounted quickly onto the press without any tooling. Pre-register positioning is done electronically and displayed at each unit. No plate cylinders to changeover; no die cylinders to changeover; no stickyback; no impression setting.

Codimag’s Aniflo technology is truly unique. It uses four cylinders in the ink train (anilox sleeve, form roller, blanket, and plate rollers). Each has the same diameter, eliminating offset tinting and ghosting issues. The press uses paste waterless offset inks (available from common ink suppliers) and incorporates a patented heat control system that allows the operator to vary the temperature of the anilox. This is how the Aniflo controls color density: warmer temperature thins the ink, lowering the color density; cooler temperature makes the ink thicker to increase color density. There are no ink keys and ink-water balance issues to contend with as in traditional offset printing.

Codimag offers these technologies in two product lines: the Viva 340 (13” web width) and the Viva 420 (16” web width). The Viva line offers combination printing capabilities including waterless offset, letterpress, and screen, along with the efficiency of inline converting processes (hot and cold foil stamping, embossing, lamination, flexo varnish, die cutting).

The Viva presses also have two unique value-added features: 
  • Codimag’s patented hot foil unit includes a foil saver, but more importantly, uses low-cost magnesium plates (very cost effective for short runs).
  • Codimag’s screen unit is semi-rotary and only requires one set of end rings and screens for all repeat sizes (eliminating costly tooling).
  • To demonstrate its unique capabilities, Codimag will be the only press manufacturer at Labelexpo running live customer demos. Using Esko Equinox prepress technology, a proofer, a waterless CTP device to image the plates, a plate washing system, and the Viva 340 Aniflo press, Codimag will take a customer file, produce printed labels, compare color to the proof, and show cost comparisons to digital and flexo – all in less than 40 minutes.