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Eminence Business Media

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Amcor releases 2014 Sustainability Results

Amcor released its 2014 Sustainability Review and GRI Report, detailing the company’s Sustainability performance for the FY2013/2014 period.  Amcor’s approach to sustainability is driven by a framework consisting of five focus areas: Environment, Community, Workplace, Marketplace and Economy. Performance is measured in each of these areas to allow for benchmarking against international standards and other corporate peers.

Amcor’s Managing Director and CEO, Mr Ken MacKenzie said: “As one of the world’s leading packaging companies we remain committed to using our global scale and technical knowledge to drive sustainability improvements throughout the packaging value chain. Over the past year we have put considerable effort into our Sustainability Program and we are proud of the critical role packaging plays in the efficient use of resources to get a product safely from the farm to the consumer.”

Performance highlights for 2014 include:
  • Continued improvement in workplace safety results with the Company’s best ever Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate at 0.5 (29 lost time injuries) and Recordable Case Frequency Rate at 2.0 (128 cases) – a 20% reduction in injury rates compared to the previous year, representing world class performance.
  • Since the start of Amcor’s five year EnviroAction plan in 2010/11, the Company has reduced green house gas emission intensity by 19%; waste to landfill intensity by 53%; and water use intensity by 16%.
  • Nearly 600 life cycle assessments were completed on behalf of Amcor’s customers, bringing the total in Amcor’s ASSET database to over 4,200. These assessments are designed to support data-based decisions that take into account sustainability impacts across the entire product lifecycle.
  • The launch of the Amcor Community Program with five million dollars over five years allocated to the Program to further support local communities. 

Amcor continues to be recognised in global and regional Sustainability Indices, including the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index, the Carbon Disclosure Leadership Index, (Materials Sector, Australia and New Zealand region), the Ethibel Excellence Investment Register and the FTSE4Good Index. Amcor also received a gold rating in the 2014 Corporate Social Responsibility assessment conducted by EcoVadis. 
The Amcor 2014 Sustainability Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Report was prepared in accordance with the GRI G4 Reporting Guidelines (2013). Bureau Veritas, a global leader in sustainability assurance, independently assured data in the report in accordance with Assurance Standard AA1000AS (2008) Type 2 assurance. The report was confirmed as meeting the requirements for GRI 4 in accordance reporting at the Core level.

To view or download the 2014 Sustainability Review, detailed GRI Report, or to provide feedback, please visit www.amcor.com/sustainability.