EBM 2025

Eminence Business Media

Monday, November 27, 2017

Luxe Pack Shanghai unveils its 2018 common thread

Next April, Luxe Pack returns to Shanghai for the eleventh year, taking place at the Shanghai Exhibition Center on 11-12 April 2018. Widely recognized as the best show in Asia for packaging creativity and trends, Luxe Pack Shanghai is providing a unique experience each year.

Unveiling its 2018 common thread : “Experience the future of luxury packaging” the show is an exclusive way for exhibitors and visitors to have a global view of how creative packaging is evolving to answer the market’s expectations.

2018 Common thread
Luxury brands in China have understood the importance of packaging to gain new and loyal consumers. They are increasingly gaining access to high-quality materials, finishes, decoration, innovative shapes, digital or connected solutions, designs that enhance the consumer experience of the product. In order to concretely show visitors what the trends are, Luxe Pack Shanghai 2018 will highlight through its common thread, “Experience the future of luxury packaging”, all the innovative packaging solutions exhibitors are offering, on fields where luxury brands’ expectations are very strong.

The show will thus provide visitors with a global vision of what packaging can be today and tomorrow: new functionalities, new technologies, new decoration techniques, new materials….all features that take packaging to a new/ next level, in order to assist the product and brand, and to answer today’s consumers’ requirements.

Exhibition Highlights
The common thread will go through 200 exhibitors’ solutions, but also through forward-thinking activities and special areas to meet the general trend of innovation, sustainability and market development. Tech Hub is a special area responding to market’s growing demand of new technological proposals: connected solutions, 3D printing, digital printing, augmented Reality and other cutting-edge technologies. Luxe Pack Innovation Wall offers instant visual access to exhibitors’ latest achievements and sustainable innovations. It is an exclusive opportunity for exhibitors to showcase their latest developments. It is also an opportunity for visitors to capture new solutions and inspiration!

Luxe Pack in green is the world’s leading packaging awards on sustainable innovations and responsible initiatives, at a time when sustainability has become a central concern for luxury brands in China. Turbo Talks, a 2 minute speech live from exhibitors, presenting their latest packaging developments. The programme of conferences will also enrich the visit, bringing some more insights on the future of packaging in luxury sectors such as perfumery, wines & spirits, health and beauty, jewelry, High Technology….Innovations, trends, materials, consumers’ points of view…..and many more will be at the core of the 2-day show. Not to mention some special areas for inspiration…

New Synergy for 2018: MakeUp in Shanghai
Luxe Pack Shanghai will share the show platform with MakeUp in Shanghai, same dates, same venue. MakeUp in: a professional makeup show held each year in Paris, New-York, Seoul, Sao Paulo, Los Angeles, gathering the most innovative, creative and cutting-edge products of the make-up universe from ingredients to formulation, make-up packaging and full service.