EBM 2025

Eminence Business Media

Monday, March 26, 2018

Connect receives FlexoExpert certification with the highest marks

Connect a Schawk Group Company, which is part of the Matthews Corporation, is one of the leading providers of digital reprographics and photopolymer printing plates in Europe. Specialised in delivering service solutions in the pre-press industry the company’s roots are within flexographic print processes.

With a primary focus on flexible packaging, their customers get a full-service package that includes everything from design and repro to finished flexographic printing plate. As well as providing global coverage to marketers, Schawk also offers regional connections and local insight, which is key to achieving brand consistency, accuracy and workflow efficiency. Today’s aim is to be advisors in production, print services, pre-media, and workflows.

Encouraged by such endeavours, Connect participated in Flint Group’s FlexoExpert Certification Programme in October 2017 and became an official FlexoExpert. During a six-month process consisting of three main steps – evaluation, implementation and training,  then auditing – the FlexoExpert Certification Programme provides the means by which plate makers can further optimise their workflow to make more reliable and consistent plates, time and time again. With the guidance of a Flint Group expert, Con-nect implemented the programme and passed the final audit to earn the honor of the FlexoExpert. They became the second site within Schawk to receive the FlexoExpert certification, right after Schawk Nürnberg, which serves as proof to its customers that the company follows best practice in its flexo plate making. Customers can count on Connect to provide plates of an even more superior quality.

“As we at Connect are one of the UK’s leading flexographic origination houses who are part of Schawk, we deal with numerous prestigious brands and their printers on a daily basis. It is important for us that the standards in all that we do are of the highest level. To have been accredited by Flint Group plate making experts and advised that our score was the highest ever achieved in Europe, is confirmation and recognition for us, that our quality policies are working,” stated David Piercy, Connect’s Operation Director.

With its plate-making expertise and focus on service, Flint Group first introduced the programme in April 2016, and offers it to customers around the globe who are interest-ed in broadening their knowledge on the standardisation of the flexo plate making process.