EBM 2025

Eminence Business Media

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

L9 announce the 2017 World Label Awards category and Honourable Mention winners

The L9 group of international label associations are pleased to announce the results of the 2017 L9 World Label Awards (WLA) competition judged by an international panel of judges representing each of the participating associations. The judging took place in Brussels the day before Labelexpo Europe at the exhibition venue. The L9 is an alliance of global label associations formed to jointly formulate policies and collecting strategic information of global interest to the worldwide label industry.
The current class structure includes 22 classes covering all the principal printing processes and market applications. The results are listed in class order with the Winners announced first followed by the Honourable Mention (HM) awards.

All of the L9 label associations are invited, each year, to submit entries for the World Label Awards. This ensures that the competition has a truly international flavour. We were pleased to welcome representatives from the Indian Label Association (LMAI) who were taking part for the first time in several years. Other associations involved in the 2017 competition included FINAT (Europe), TLMI (USA), JFLP (Japan), FPLMA (Australia), SALMA (New Zealand) and PEIAC (China).

In order to be considered for entry in this prestigious competition a label converter must first have won an award in their “local” association’s competition as this is the only route to entry. Each L9 association is permitted to submit one entry in each class, entries from individual converters are not accepted. Winning an award in the WLA competition is highly valued throughout the worldwide label fraternity signalling that the label converter has achieved real excellence in label production. The awards not only reflect the achievements of the production departments involved in producing the label, they are also used as a valuable marketing tool. No wonder they are often referred to as the technical Oscars of the global label industry. The jury spends a considerable time examining and debating the technical and aesthetic features of each label including converting and finishing technology. “Never will a label have been examined in such detail, even by the converter’s QC department. We expect a high standard of printing at this level and we also look for the quality of the design of the label” comments Tony White, chairman of the judging panel. “We continue to be surprised by the quality of the entries year on year” he continues.

The judges for the 2017 competition included Tony White (FINAT) Chair, Mike Buystedt (TLMI) Vice Chairman, Harveer Sahni (LMAI), Tony Wheeler (SALMA), Andrew Maxwell (FPLMA), Mr Masaaki Yoshitake (JFLP) and Ms Jean Li (PEIAC).

Best of the Best
This is the fifth year that the L9 World label Awards Association has included 5 additional awards representing the “Best of the Best” entries from the principal printing processes selected during the judging process. The awards will be presented at the Tarsus Global Awards event which will be held during Labelexpo 2018 in Chicago in September 2018. The winners were selected from the winning entries in the L9 World label Awards competition from the following classes: Flexography, Letterpress, Offset Litho, Combination Printing, Digital Printing. The plaques will be presented and the winners revealed at the awards ceremony and are perceived as the “Oscars of the Oscars” of the international label industry.