EBM 2025

Eminence Business Media

Thursday, August 29, 2019

IST Metz LEDcure SCR for retrofitting label printing machines

At Labelexpo Europe, which takes place from 24 to 27 September in Brussels, UV system manufacturer IST Metz will present its new LEDcure SCR LED system for retrofitting label printing presses at Stand D21 in Hall 5. The LEDcure SCR meets the requirements of label production and can be easily integrated into existing printing presses.

The basic design of the LEDcure SCR is intelligent and modular as well as robust and compact, giving users the utmost flexibility and versatility. The system is available in lengths from 270 to 540 mm and can be adapted to all requirements of offset and flexo printing machines. The LEDcure SCR is part of the LED product range that IST offers in cooperation with its subsidiary Integration Technology Ltd.

Synergy between the two companies is having an increasing effect on the product range; the XT8-Booster is just one example. Thanks to booster technology, the LEDcure SCR has up to 30% more power than other LED systems currently available on the market. IST Metz supplies the LEDcure SCR as a fully configured package including cables, power supply, control and chiller, full light shielding and interlocking for absolute safety. The system will be installed at the customer’s location by experienced IST technicians.

Matting with Excimer technology
This year IST Metz is also presenting an Excimer lamp for the first time at Labelexpo Europe. Due to its short-wave emission, an Excimer lamp has a low penetration depth and can be used for matting varnishes, for example. A thin layer of coating cures very quickly on the surface above the liquid substrate and contracts without affecting deeper layers of coating. The micro-folds of the surface can then be preserved by the immediate subsequent final curing with UV or LED. The result of matting with Excimers are surfaces with an extremely high scratch and abrasion resistance as well as a high chemical resistance.