Eminence Business Media

Friday, August 16, 2019

PCMC to bring its Meridian laser anilox cleaner to Labelexpo Europe

Paper Converting Machine Company (PCMC), part of Barry-Wehmiller, will be showcasing its Meridian laser anilox cleaner at Labelexpo Europe (booth 11C36), held 24-27 September, in Brussels. This is the first time that the Meridian will be showcased with live demonstrations at Labelexpo Europe.

PCMC’s newest Meridian models are designed for the narrow web market along with their new internal traversing vacuum system. Attendees may stop by the PCMC booth for the duration of the show to view live cleaning demonstrations. The Meridian deep cleans anilox cells by using a laser to remove deposited particles inside of the cells. The Meridian laser is a sustainable cleaning technology with a very low environmental impact – helping to save the earth one anilox at a time. The Meridian laser is a sustainable cleaning technology with a very low environmental impact – helping to save the earth one anilox at a time.

“We’re very excited to welcome people into our booth to view the new innovations on our Meridian firsthand,” said Rodney Pennings, PCMC’s Printing, Coating and Laminating Sales Director. “I think they’ll be impressed by its technology, speed and effectiveness.”