EBM 2025

Eminence Business Media

Directory 2019


A Golden Opportunity for all those connected with the label Industry

Eon Infomedia, the Publishers of Labels India Magazine - India's exclusive magazine for the labels, packaging and the converting industry are now updating their database on the Indian label industry to come out with the 6th Edition of the directory this March 2019.

After the stupendous success of the Fifth edition of the Indian Label Directory, Eon Infomedia, the publishers of Labels India - India’s exclusive magazine for the labels, converting and the package decoration industry is pleased to bring to you the sixth edition of the directory. The Indian Label Directory is a one-stop reference manual for the Indian label industry, giving one instant access to information on equipment manufacturers, materials and services suppliers and printers operating globally with a special emphasis on India and Asia Pacific.

A bible for the Indian Label industry, the Indian Label Directory will be a comprehensive resource of the industry’s major suppliers of consumables, equipment and services that one can use to make their purchasing decisions in an easy to use “handy” format. It will list and evaluate all relevant data for the label industry, clearly arranged according to product areas, thus enabling rapid access to competent information offers. This is an unprecedented opportunity for industry suppliers to be listed in a directory targeted exclusively to their customers as the directory will offer an in-depth look at prominent suppliers to the narrow web industry.
The Classification
the directory is classified into 3 different sections.
Section I : lists the Indian companies
Section II : lists the International company and 
Section III : lists the products (equipment, consumables and services) with cross reference to companies in section I and II.
The Reach
Make “The Indian Label Directory” your media vehicle to enforce your presence. As the Indian Label Directory has firmly become a standard reference tool for business, it's time to take a good, hard look and decide on advertising in the directory that offers a fast track to success. Moreover, the directory has a shelf life of TWO years and will be circulated at all the major industry trade fairs and events, apart from promoting the same through our own magazine.

So, what are your waitings for? Go book and enjoy the benefits and the mileage Should you need more info, contact GARGI BHATTACHARYA
Cell: 0-9004 330 381 / E
mail: gargi@labelsind.com